Washington Apple Pi Delivers 25 Refurb Macs To Families In DC

by Bryan Chaffin, 12:45 PM EST, December 26th, 2000

This Christmas, Washington Apple Pi handed out 25 refurbished Macs to families in the Washington DC area. The computers were donated from a variety of sources, and refurbished by some of the many members of Washington Apple Pi (WAP). WAP is a Mac User Group based in Washington DC. According to WAP:

25 families in the Washington, DC area will be receiving a holiday gift they may have never thought possible - a newly refurbished Macintosh computer. Washington Apple Pi, the largest, and one of the oldest user groups in the US made it all possible through its Computer Reclamation Project. "We started this project many years ago for two reasons," says WAP President Lorin Evans. "First, to help those who might not be able to get a computer to have one. Secondly, to recycle these Macs to ensure they continue to give years of valuable service."

This week, WAP distributed 25 complete computer set-ups to organizations in the DC area. Those organizations will make sure the computers go to families that don't have computers. "This is just one example of our on-going Reclamation Project," says Evans. "Our volunteers spend many, many hours recycling all varieties of Macintoshes- and returning them to the community." WAP has even sent computers to needy organizations overseas.

For more information about the WAP Reclamation Project, contact Washington Apple Pi at (301)-984-0300 (M-W-FR) or by e-mail to [email protected].

The Mac Observer salutes WAP for this effort! You can find more information about WAP at their Web site.

The Mac Observer Spin:

One of the beautiful things about the Mac has always been its longevity as a useful machine. Macs tend to be used, and are actually useful, for many years longer than their PC cousins. The units used for this project were Performa 6100 CDs which were first shipped in 1995. Think about how many PCs from at same year are still being used today.

If you have old Macs that are starting to clutter up your house or office, think about getting them in the hands of someone who needs a computer. If you don't know such a recipient, ask around or contact WAP at the contact information above.