Run Windows Apps On Your Mac...Remotely

by Staff, 11:00 AM EST, March 7th, 2001

Planet Computer has announced a new service, PlanetUplink, that allows Mac users to access and control Windows based applications remotely, via their Mac. Users that subscribe to the PlanetUplink service can access a full functional Windows desktop, along with a full array of applications, through any Mac Web browser. According to Planet Computer:

Many companies are married to Macintosh computers and software.

However, using Macs to communicate with other computer platforms, and with suppliers and customers, or to operate PC-based software can be complex and costly.

PlanetUplink, our application hosting service, is your solution and it's very affordable. We charge a per user per month fee of only $60.00 to host your all software on a full Windows NT desktop.

It allows you Mac users who have multiple offices and remote users to access your applications real time and simultaneously over the Internet from our secure data centers.

PlanetUplink also hosts websites and email. We do all the maintenance, upgrades and daily backups so you don't have the headache or cost of in-house IT services. And we can have you set up in 48 hours.

"Ninety-eight percent of our customers were PC oriented," said Bill Wein, President of Media Management Resources, an executive search and consulting firm based in Denver, Colorado. Using our Macs to send documents to them was becoming very difficult. However, it was too expensive to changeeveryone over to PCs and retrain our entire staff on new hardware." Wein solved their dilemma by turning their Macs into dumb terminals. "Now, our offices in Denver and Florida, as well as those operated by independent professionals, can run Office 2000 and FileMaker Pro on one common serveraccessible via the Internet. Selecting an ASP solution has also saved the company a lot of time and money, "We looked for an ASP that had all the tools we needed as well as a strong track record. By moving our entire IT function to PlanetUplink, we've eliminated a $40,000 per year person who installed, upgraded, and maintained our computers and software applications. In addition we've eliminated the headaches of managing IT problems and downtime."

A PlanetUplink subscription is available for US$60/month. You can find more information at the PlanetUplink Web site.

The Mac Observer Spin:

A service like this could be extremely valuable, especially due to the monthly availability. Often Mac users find themselves working on a project that might require the use of specific Windows software. Rather than purchasing Virtual PC, and the application, this essentially allows Mac users to "rent" the programs they need.

A broadband connection is probably a requirement, but with that in place this service could be extremely helpful.