Apple Retail Store Rumors Heat Up

by Staff, 7:00 AM EDT, May 3rd, 2001

Talk about perhaps the worst kept secret in Apple's history, the forthcoming launch of a line of Apple branded retail stores, is again heating up. One such officially unofficial location is the largest shopping center in the United States, Minnesota's Mall of America. A new store, believed to be one of the Apple stores, is being built in the former Gap Kids location inside the mammoth Mall, and one Observer wrote to give us some dirt:

The posted site is the confirmed (by personal investigation and by the mall security personnel) site of the upcoming Apple store. (in the former "Gap Kids" location; south side ground level, kitty-corner from the new flashy "Bose" stereo store, and also Lego-land, and directly across from the new oversized "Gap Kids" store (opened 4/25/01)) It will be next to a "Discovery Channel" science store.

All other upcoming mall stores, usually post the store name and sometimes other information on the white placards that Apple has left blank, and there are usually some gaps in the placards that are easier to see through.

The renovation is probably just now starting, since the old store there closed only about a week ago. The security personnel informed us that stores usually open within about 2 months of design work starting.

The Apple store will actually combine 2 locations "S132 and S136" to create an "oversize" store as well.

While there is no official word of Apple retail stores as of yet, it seems inevitable. You can find more information about Apple at their Web site, and see the pictures of the potential future location of one of Apple's stores at the Apple/Mall of America Web site.

The Mac Observer Spin:

While we fully understand that Apple wants to save the official word of a line of Apple branded retail stores for a fanfare rich announcement, the whole thing is getting a little ridiculous. As has been evidenced by the number of stories on various Web sites over the last month, keeping something as significant as building a chain of stores a secret is impossible.

The only real surprise at this stage would be if Apple did not open a chain stores across the country. But until Jobs gives the official word, the officially unofficial Apple stores remain one of the worst kept, and most entertaining, Apple secrets.