Minnesota School Successfully Running Mixed Mac/Windows Network

by Staff, 12:00 PM EDT, June 8th, 2001

As Macs start to gain again in popularity in the business and educational markets, the likelihood of having to connect Macs to a mixed network rises. Group Logic has announced that one school district has successfully used their ExtremeZ-IP software to set-up and run just such a network. According to Group Logic:

Group Logic, a leading vendor of software to educational institutions and other organizations for more than 13 years, announced today that its ExtremeZ-IP product has been successfully adopted by the Roseville, Minnesota public schools to improve the performance of local area networks. The school district has achieved its most dramatic results at Roseville Area High School, where more than 100 Macintoshes and approximately 40 PCs share access to an attendance tracking system on a Windows NT server.

"The impact of ExtremeZ-IP on our high school network has been amazing," said Mark Mayfield, network manager for the Roseville Area Schools. "As the applications we were using grew more complex, we had increasing problems with access speed. Many computers, including the PCs, were hanging for minutes at a time, waiting for the server. We installed ExtremeZ-IP and the change was unbelievable. Application launch time on the Macintoshes was cut in half. There was even a measurable improvement for our Windows users."

Group Logic's ExtremeZ-IP is file and print server software that uses the TCP/IP protocol to increase throughput as much as fivefold between Macintosh clients and Microsoft Windows servers. ExtremeZ-IP enhances native support for Macintosh communications on Windows NT Server and Workstation, as well as Windows 2000 Server and Professional. Users experience dramatic return on investment through increased productivity resulting from superior network performance.

"I would strongly recommend this product for anyone," added Mayfield, "especially for any school using classroom attendance off NT servers."

You can find more information about ExtremeZ-IP at the Group Logic Web site.