New Group Is Dedicated To QuickTime Developers

by Staff, 12:00 PM EDT, July 10th, 2001

A new group has formed that is dedicated to QuickTime developers, the QuickTime Creative Developers Group. The new group aims to provide a resource for all type of QuickTime development, including Web, film, and video. According to the QTCDG:

I would like to introduce you to, the home of the QuickTime Creative Developers Group.

The QTCDG is a new community for QuickTime designers and developers, or people who just want to look like one of us.

The mission of the QuickTime Creative Developers Group is to unite the creative worlds of the Web, Film, and Video like never before and grow this community into the future of new and evolving media!

Our website is empty. We are hoping you can help us fill it up! We're looking for anyone that wants to be part of the QuickTime community. In particular we are looking for writers, message board moderators, web designers, showcase sites and any other creative stuff.

We hope you'll join us!

We'll also be having actual monthly meetings. The meetings will initially be in Los Angeles but don't let that stop you from joining. We hope to grow the community internationally.

The first meeting will be:

QuickTime Creative Developers Group meeting
Thursday, July 12, 2001 - 6:30 pm
Apple Market Center
2401 Colorado Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90404

You can find more information at the QuickTime Creative Developers Group Web site.