Misplaced Decimal Offers 125 GHz PowerMacs At Apple's Home Page

by , 1:30 PM EDT, October 7th, 2002

An errant decimal place is offering 125 GHz PowerMacs to some visitors at Apple's home page. The announcement/link for Apple's top of the line dual-processor PowerMac line includes alt-text that says:

Power Mac G4. All dual processors starting at just US$1,699. Dual 125 GHz now shipping.

That text shows up automatically on most Windows browsers when the cursor hovers over the link. Observer DigiDarkroom posted a screen shot to demonstrate:

(Click the image for a larger version)

The PowerMac actually ships at 1.25 GHz on the high end, a difference of some 123.75 GHz. Most Mac browsers do not show this alt-text, which may explain why the gnomes in Cupertino haven't caught it. Reports are that this error has been up since last week. A look at the HTML code for the page confirms the typo:

(Click the image for a larger version)

Thanks to Observers Alex Allee and DigiDarkroom for their assistance with this article.

The Mac Observer Spin:

Typos happen, but this one sets off all sorts of wishful thinking on the part of Mac partisans everywhere. That it is most likely to only be seen by Windows users adds a bit of irony to the situation, though Alanis Morrisette may have difficulty spotting it. What's perhaps even more entertaining is the idea that there will come a day when people look back at this and chuckle at the fact that we were all gaga over a mere 125 GHz. Perspective can be a harsh mistress.