Mozilla "Firebird" Browser Now Available for Mac

by David Nelson, 8:00 AM EDT, May 6th, 2003

According to a new MozillaZine article, the first nightly builds of the Firebird Web browser are now available for Mac OS X. Firebird, a project of The Mozilla Oragnization, descends from the Mozilla-based browser known as Phoenix. As we recently reported, the organization decided to give greater priority to standalone applications. Its primary releases were previously large application suites reminiscent of the traditional Netscape Communicator package. From the MozilaZine article:

The first nightly build of Mozilla Firebird for Mac OS X is now available.'s commitment to deliver an OS X version of Firebird was announced in the new Roadmap, which was unveiled last month. The critically-acclaimed Camino browser, which features Mac OS X's native Aqua look-and-feel, will continue to be developed with the full support of
Firebird screenshot
Firebird displays Apple's home page.
(Click on the image for a larger version)

The Mozilla Organization's new branding strategy asks that the product traditionally known as Mozilla be referred to as the Mozilla "Application Suite," and its components as "Mozilla Navigator" and "Mozilla Messenger."

Firebird and Thunderbird, a new standalone e-mail client also based on Mozilla, are to be known as "Mozilla Browser" and "Mozilla Mail."

As the story stated, the popular Camino browser will still be developed separately.

Download links for Firebird can be found in the MozillaZine story.

The Mac Observer Spin:

Given the popularity of streamlined, standalone browsers like Phoenix, Camino and Apple's KHTML-based Safari, we think the Mozilla developers are doing the right thing by refocusing their efforts on separate applications. Users on the whole seem to be taking to standalone applications rather than monolithic browser suites. We'll keep you apprised of new developments with these and other browsers and information becomes available.