Space-Time Associates Updates Brickles Pro Hall Of Fame Support

by Staff, 6:00 PM EDT, June 2nd, 2004

Space-Time Associates has released an update for Brickles Pro, bringing it to version 1.0.3. Brickles Pro is a ball and paddle styled game. The update adds support for the Online Hall of Fame Web page. According to Space-Time Associates:

Brickles Pro v1.0.3 - The Classic Ball and Paddle Game for Macintosh.

Brickles Pro is not your typical ball and paddle game. Brickles Pro features adjustable colors and patterns, adjustable ball and paddle sizes, stereo sounds, adjustable speed and window sizes, and more. Even the number of paddles in the game can be changed.

What's New: Brickles Pro v1.0.3 adds support for the new Brickles Pro Online Hall of Fame Web page.

You can find more information about the Brickles Pro update at the Space-Time Associates Web site. Brickles Pro 1.0.3 is free for registered users, while the full version is available for US$25.00.