.Mac Members Get 30-Days of Free T-Mobile HotSpot Service

by Staff, 12:15 AM EDT, April 7th, 2005

Apple's latest .Mac member special offers 30-days of free T-Mobile HotSpot service. Additionally, .Mac members who sign up for an annual HotSpot subscription plan will receive 20 free songs from the iTunes Music Store.

"Like to surf the web wirelessly on your laptop? Addicted to your home broadband service? As a .Mac member, you can now enjoy wireless broadband away from home with a free 30-Day Trial of the T�Mobile HotSpot Wi�Fi service. Available in the U.S. through June 29, 2005, this offer allows you to get full access to the Internet at HotSpot locations in places you already go: Starbucks coffeehouses, FedEx Kinko's Office and Print Centers, Borders Books & Music, airports, Hyatt Hotels and Resorts, and select airline clubs and Red Roof Inn locations."