TMO Reports - Power Mac G5s run Microsoft's XBox 360 Demos at E3

by , 8:50 PM EDT, May 19th, 2005

LOS ANGELES -- As first reported by Anandtech, The Mac Observer has confirmed that Microsoft is running its Xbox 360 demos for the E3 Expo on Power Mac G5s from Apple Computer.

"It's an alpha kit, it has the Power PC processor. It's the closes thing to what's in the console. It's the best source," Mario Rodriguez, a Microsoft employee on hand at Microsoft's Xbox 360 booth at E3, told TMO.

The Xbox 360 has long been known to use a special version of the G5 processor, as has the fact that temporary Xbox development systems were modified Power Mac G5 units. The demonstration at E3, however, are the first time that Power Macs have been used to show Xbox 360 games to the public

E3 attendees playing playing Xbox 360 demos on a Mac

The Power Mac G5s that make it all possible

Photos by Chris Barylick
(Click the thumbnails for larger images)

There are additional pohotos at Anandtech.