Cool Waste Of Time – It’s Just An Illusion

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one.
-Albert Einstein

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
-Douglas Adams

Optical illusions are cool; just ask any Escher fan. What would be even cooler is if there was a Web site chock full of optical illusions. Well, feast your peepers on this installment of A Cool Waste of Time.

The eyes have it.

Seeing is believing.

Tell me, and I may believe you: Show me, and I’ll believe my eyes.

For centuries, magicians have used all sorts of tricks to fool our eyes, making us believe that they can levitate elephants, regurgitate an endless stream of colorful handkerchiefs, and make anything from coins to cars disappear.

Are those circles really rotating? Are those dots actually disappearing? Tilt your head just right and prepare to be amazed. Michael Bach’s site contains 55 of the best optical illusions we’ve ever seen, each with an explanation as to how and why they work.

Take a look. Good stuff!

Do you have a Cool Waste of Time you found on the Internet? Tell Vern Seward all about it, and he’s pass it around…

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