by Staff, 3:05 PM EDT, June 29th, 2005
The ABC News Shuffle, a newscast hosted by Jake Tapper and available either in streaming MP3 or as a podcast, on Wednesday posted an interview with Apple CEO Steve Jobs. During the chat, Mr. Jobs discusses Tuesday's roll-out of iTunes 4.9, which brought podcasting into the popular music software, and notes that the over 3,000 podcasts currently available are "gonna remain free. Although I do think we may start to see some advertising tagged onto them in the coming months."
Mr. Tapper also addresses the issue of podcasting guidelines, prompting Mr. Jobs to respond that Apple's attitude toward podcasting is "it's the Wild West" with a few guidelines against pornography and copyright infringement. Mr. Jobs also refuses to speculate about a possible video-capable iPod and deflects criticism that Apple is focusing on the iPod at the expense of the Mac by saying "our Macintosh computer sales are growing at three to four times the rate of the rest of the industry."
You can hear the entire interview, or read the transcript, at the ABC News Web site.