Mac Helps Wins International Computer Chess Tourney
by , 9:00 AM EDT, July 21st, 2005
A Power Mac dual 2.7GHz running a new version of the chess software Shredder has won the 5th Annual International Dutch Computer Chess Championships held in early June in Leiden, The Netherlands. It is believed to be the first time that a Mac has won a major computer chess event.
The Mac was running a new version of the Shredder software, which won the competition last year running on a Windows-based PC, according to Shredder spokesman Stefan Meyer-Kahlen.
"The Macintosh version of Shredder performed very well," Mr. Meyer-Kahlen said. "The Macintosh hardware has also proved that it is very competitive and fast."
The Shredder software has now won nine titles as World Computer Chess Champion, but it is the first time the Mac version has captured victory.
Shredder for Mac will be available this summer, the developers said.
A full account of the tourney can be seen at