Apple Releases New Security Update After 64-bit Problems

by Staff, 6:00 AM EDT, August 18th, 2005

Apple Computer has released a new Security Update for Macintosh users after accidentally turning off support for 64-bit applications in an earlier release.

The Mac maker released the new updates late Wednesday after reports surfaced that certain software applications that require 64-bit support suddenly stopped working. Apple initially released Security Update 2005-007 late Tuesday night.

Security Update 2005-007 version 1.1 is now available for both Client and Server platforms via the Software Update tool as part of Mac OS X v10.4.2, or through the direct Web links in this paragraph.

Apple explains in the update that "due to an error on the part of Apple, this update prevents any 64-bit-native application from running" and goes on to say the update "provides a combined 32- and 64-bit version of LibSystem to replace the 32-bit version that was delivered in v1.0."