Apple Drops Boot Camp from Mac Ad, Adds Parallels

by , 8:15 AM EDT, June 27th, 2006

Apple Computer has replaced the reference to Boot Camp in its Touché commercial with Parallels Desktop. The commercial highlights the Mac's ability to run Windows as well as Mac OS X. The original version of the commercial notes in small type that Boot Camp is required, but the new version replaces the small type with "Purchase of Windows and Parallels software required."

Apple's revised Touché ad.

Apple's Get a Mac Web site also references Parallels instead of Boot Camp. The Boot Camp page is still available on the Apple Web site.

It is widely believed that Apple will include some type of support for running Windows or Windows-based applications in Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard), but it's not clear if that support would be Boot Camp-style (reboot your Mac as a Windows machine) or Parallels-style (run Windows in a Window inside Mac OS X).

Thanks to TMO reader Marv for pointing out the revised Get a Mac ad in the reader forums.