The Biggest Challenge for Apple in the Enterprise

by , 5:40 PM EDT, March 12th, 2007

The real obstacles to Apple in the enterprise don't include the hardware. They're a function of Apple's culture, according to David Sobotta in his latest Applepeels.

In a recent Computerworld article, all the reasons why Apple hardware is ready for the enterprise were listed. However, Mr. Sobotta always gets suspicious when the media falls all over Apple. In this case, perhaps the motive was to get attention. Despite the CW story, there remain underlying reasons why Apple doesn't function well in the enterprise, according to the former Director of Federal Sales at Apple, and they're not related to the quality of the products.

  1. Sometimes, Apple doesn't communicate its most basic product features to the enterprise.
  2. Apple stops making products when they feel like it.
  3. AppleCare isn't a good match for most companies.
  4. Apple Attention Deficit Disorder. Apple moves on fast.
  5. CIOs are hard to shock and amaze. Mr. Jobs would rather amaze consumers.
  6. Enterprise customers cannot get advance copies of Mac OS X unless they are also [high paying] developers.
  7. For all the hype and secrecy Apple has put into Mac and Mac OS X, it hasn't substantially budged the market share.

In this reporter's view, those arguments have merit but must also be put in perspective. Organizations that embrace Apple products do so with eyes wide open, with particular goals in mind. They're willing to embrace Apple and its products for a greater end and live with a few annoying consequences. Apple has never played the corporate hand-holding game in the same fashion as other companies, preferring instead to focus on terrific hardware and software. They let nothing hold them back.
