Panic Releases Coda 1.0

by , 12:10 AM EDT, April 24th, 2007

Panic announced on Monday the release of Coda 1.0, a one-window Web development tool. Coda 1.0 is designed for hand-coders and brings together all the major features needed to develop Websites in a single interface.

"Coda includes a complete built-in file browser based on the Transmit engine that allows users to work locally or remotely; a full-featured text editor that supports real-time over-the-net collaboration, auto-completion, HTML validation, and innovative find/replace; a convenient "Sites" feature for instantly restoring your project environment; live Safari preview with a visual DOM inspector; a complete visual CSS editor allowing for easy changes to style sheets; an SSH terminal; licensed built-in reference material for quick coding help, and a great deal more," according to the Panic announcement.

Panic's Coda 1.0

One of the features of Coda is the internal analysis Panic did of it's own Website development and workflow. All of the key technologies, editing, verification, uploading and previewing have been integrated into one piece of software, using Panic's FTP/SFTP technologies, and integrated into a single interface.

Coda 1.0 is a Universal Application, requires Mac OS X 10.4 and comes with a 15-day free trial. It is priced at an introductory US$79.00 and $69.00 for current Transmit 3 customers.