by John Martellaro, 1:55 PM EDT, July 26th, 2007
DEVONtechnologies, LLC announced on Thursday that its has released version 2.5 of its Desktop Transporter software. The new version adds several requested features, including bookmarks, remotely waking Macs and more.
Bookmarks allow the user to easily connect to remote Macs that are not located on the local area network and available via Bonjour. Sleeping Macs can be awakened over the network or over the Internet as long as they are physically connected to the local network. Administrators managing a whole network full of Macs will gain the ability to scale the thumbnail pictures in the Bonjour browser for a better overview, and finally, the version adds AppleScript support that allows admins to control Desktop Transporter from within their workflow.
Desktop Transporter allows the user to remotely control a Mac. Desktop Transporter has multiple desktop views to switch between all displays attached to connected Macs, and allows copy/paste to transfer text and graphics between the local and the remote machines.
Desktop Transporter 2.5 requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later and a fast network connection between Macs on the LAN. It is priced at US$29.95. Student and educator discounts are available.