Groups Wins Limited Access to Apple Backdating Documents

by Jeff Gamet, 9:10 AM EDT, September 26th, 2007

A California Superior Court Judge has granted one group of Apple share holders limited access to documents relating to the company's backdated stock scandal. The Boston Retirement board will get to see meeting minutes from the board of directors and board committees, but won't be able to share that information with anyone else, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The retirement board filed a suit requesting the documents, and won access to files from 1997 to the present. It did not, however, gain access to Apple's internal investigation documents relating to its own independent investigation into improperly backdated stock option grants.

Apple as the focus of an SEC investigation into improperly backdated stock option grants earlier this year. While CEO Steve Jobs was cleared of any wrong doing, former CFO Fred Anderson and former general counsel Nancy Heinen were implicated in the incidents.

Mr. Anderson settled with the SEC without admiting any wrong doing. Ms. Heinen is being sued by the SEC for her alleged involvement.

Judge Jack Komar is expected to issue an order on Friday to Apple for the documents.