Apple Releases Hard Drive Update 1.0 for iMac, Mac Pro

by , 7:45 AM EST, November 8th, 2007

Apple released Hard Drive Update 1.0 for the iMac Core 2 Duo and Mac Pro Wednesday evening. As usual, Apple isn't saying much about the update other than it includes "bug fixes and important updates."

It appears that this firmware update isn't required by every Core 2 Duo iMac and Mac Pro. Users at VersionTracker have reported that the update applies to computers with Seagate's ST3500641AS 500GB (firmware 3.BTD) and ST3750640AS 750GB (3.BTF) hard drives.

These are not the same drive models that Seagate was recently called to task over for a potential fatal design flaw.

Hard Drive Update 1.0 requires Mac OS X 10.4.7 or higher, and is available for download at the Apple Support Web site.