Google Releases YouTube Upload App, Vidnik

by John Martellaro, 12:35 PM EDT, May 12th, 2008

Google has released a video import, editing and upload application for the Mac called Vidnik. The early release is at version 0.13.

Vidnik can be used a video diary tool or to quickly record a video and upload it to YouTube. The app works with the built-in video cameras on recent Macs as well as USB 2 and FireWire cameras.

Vidnik 0.13

Vidnik is the latest application developed for the Mac in the Google Mac Playground. It is currently at version 0.13. The first version has some sound synch problems according to Dvid Oster. There is an FAQ.

Vidnik has been released under the Apache 2.0 license and is free. System requirements were not defined.