Woz's Advice to Engineers: Follow Your Heart

by John Martellaro, 5:15 PM EDT, August 21st, 2008

In at interview at the Intel Developer forum, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak urged future engineers to follow their heart. It isn't always about the money.

CNET posted tibits of wisdom from the man who was the mind behind the Apple I and Apple II.

Steve Wozniak (CNET)

"The rewards are in your head. The reward is invisible. It's what you like to do," said Mr. Wozniak. He described how he was lucky enough to live in a time when home computer designs could be done by one smart person. Other people who worked with him on the Apple II shared his passion.

The story has over a dozen tidbits of observations and wisdom accumulated during Mr. Wozniak's career. Amongst them, he was careful to point out that he never, never cut in line to buy an iPhone.

Also notable was the idea that brute force with a computer doesn't always work. "I learned something when I was young," he said. "The speed of the computer isn't enough. You need a good approach and good thinking."