Monday's Mac Gadget - Need to Free Some Disk Space? Check out Xslimmer!

by John F. Braun, 12:00 PM EDT, September 8th, 2008

Product Link : Xslimmer 1.5.3 ($12.95 Limit-Ware)

When Apple moved PowerPC to Intel, many were concerned about how their existing PowerPC applications would run on the Intel processor. Fortunately, there are two compatability paths. One is to run an existing PowerPC application under Rosetta, which translates PowerPC code to Intel. The other option to use a Universal Binary, a Mac application that contains both PowerPC and Intel code. But do you really want to waste disk space by storing code for a processor you don't have? Enter Xslimmer...

When you submit an application to Xslimmer, it will tell you if it is Universal or not. If so, it will tell you how much space you can save by removing the code that can't be used by your machine. XSlimmer can also identify and remove language resources that you don't need, saving even more disk space.

Xslimmer Interface

There may be some applications which don't like being modified, usually for copy protection reasons. To guard against this, Xslimmer has a downloadable blacklist to help prevent breaking applications that are sensitive to modification. If you are installing an application want to start right, you can use the Slim Install feature; just drag the installer .dmg file onto Xslimmer, and it will only install the necessary parts. If you're trying to slim down an older machine, Xslimmer is compatible with Mac OS X all the way back to version 10.3.9.

So get rid of some of that file system bloat, and slim down your applications with XSlimmer today! Have any other Gadgets that you think John will find interesting? Just send him an email and he'll give it a spin.