Current Column
Watson, Sherlock, iMac & 'iApps' Still Catalyze Entrepreneuring Porno Purveyors, Redux - February 15th, 2002
Archived Columns
January 2002
New iMac Isn't Ugly, Compared To Intel's Vision Of The Future PC - January 18th, 2002
November 2001
A Shrugging Atlas: Sometimes I Wish for Armageddon, Sometimes I Wish Apple Would Go Out of Business - November 9th, 2001
September 2001
The Macintosh Is Still The 'Repressed Minority' Of The Computer Industry -- So What? - September 28th, 2001
The Virtue Of Not Giving A Damn: Getting Beyond Ideology, Money, Fame & Market Share - August 17th, 2001
July 2001
Here's Why You Should NOT Buy A G4 Cube - July 6th, 2001
June 2001
PocketPC vs. Palm, OS X vs. Windows XP, & The Industry's Ideological Dichotomy Of Software/Hardware Development - June 8th, 2001
May 2001
Rethinking Apple Stores, Rethinking Apple Marketing & Advertising - May 18th, 2001
April 2001
Aping ‘Babylon 5,' Copying ‘The Matrix,' & Mimicking The Macintosh - April 27th, 2001
The Coming Apocalypse: .NET & The End Of The Computing World As We Know It - April 6th, 2001
March 2001
I Will Be Vindicated: Apple Retail Store, Revisited - March 16th, 2001
#@$%, I'd Better Receive OS X On March 24, Not After - March 2nd, 2001
February 2001
Rodney Interviews Creator Of Netscape 6, 'Flower Power' Colors & The Mood-Ring iMac - February 22nd, 2001
Is Microsoft The 'Puffy Combs' Of The Computing Industry? Probably. - February 16th, 2001
A Paean To Machiavelli: Burned Bridges & Other High Costs Of Being A Visionary - February 2nd, 2001
January 2001
iDVD Brings Porno Movie-Making To The Common Man - January 16th, 2001
Making the Pilgrimage to Mecca (Cupertino) - January 5th, 2001
December 2000
Mac Daddy Psychoanalyzes George Clinton, Apple Spiffs & other Cupertino Flaws - December 19th, 2000
Should OS X Be Dumbed Down? - December 15th, 2000
Comics, Unix, Mac OS X & The Mythology Of The Impossible - December 1st, 2000
November 2000
Wanna appreciate your Mac? Try using a PC - November 6th, 2000
October 2000
Christian Heresy, Deutschman's 'hatchet job,' & My relationship with Apple - October 20th, 2000
Apple Needs More Than Its Own Store - October 6th, 2000
WTFM! - September 22nd, 2000