Pour Some Java in Your Mac
November 15th, 1999

MacJikes 1.2b5 ($15 Shareware)
Steven Bytnar

Although Sun seems to have lost interest in promoting Java on the Mac after the release of JDK 1.0.2, others have kept the ball rolling. There's MRJ (Macintosh Runtime for Java) for running Java code, as well as CodeWarrior for compiling it. What to do if you want an inexpensive method of creating Java code? Here's a solution from a source you wouldn't expect...

The good folks at IBM Research have been working on an open source Java compiler called Jikes since 1997. Since it is open source, others can take it and customize it for just about any environment. MacJikes is a Mac port of this compiler. MacJikes includes both an application, which can be controlled by AppleScript, and an MPW tool for use with the MPW shell.

To run your resulting Java applications on the Mac, you should get your hands on the MRJ SDK 2.1, which includes several goodies, including an application called JBindery. If you drag a Java application, in the form of a .class file, on JBindery, it will execute it for you.

Get a taste of Java on the Mac, and be sure to check out MacJikes.

Useful Links

MacJikes Home Page

Jikes Project Home

Apple Java Developer Info

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