Apple To Stream Q4 2001 Conference Call On Wednesday

by Bryan Chaffin, 5:20 PM EDT, October 15th, 2001

Apple has officially announced that it will offer a QuickTime Streaming broadcast of its fiscal 4th Quarter financial results next week. The conference call with analysts will happen this Wednesday at 4:00 PM CDT (2:00 PM PDT). Apple broadcast these meetings, which used to be private, in order to comply with SEC regulations requiring that information given to analysts be made available to other investors. From Apple's Q4 '01 Web page:

Apple's conference call discussing Q4 '01 financial results will begin at 2pm PT on Wednesday, October 17, 2001.

Please note that comments made during this call may include forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from these forward-looking statements. For more information on the factors that could influence results, please refer to Apple's SEC filings.

To tune into the conference call, pull up the Q4 '01 Conference Call Web page near the time of broadcast.

The Mac Observer Spin:

It should be an interesting event. The economy has been in weird-land since the terrorist attacks, and the PC industry has been stuck in the no-man's land created by the Wintel Hegemony in general, and Dell's land grab in particular. Despite this, Apple has not warned and come out blatantly saying that no news is good news. There has also been an increasing buzz about Apple on Wall Street as several analysts have noticed that Apple is not subject to the Wintel world's woes. Put it all together and there will be a lot of eyeballs on Apple's financial results and the conference call.