TMO Quick Tip - Check Your Mac's Warranty Status

by Jeff Gamet, 8:00 AM EST, February 3rd, 2006

Apple's support site has a useful little tool that tells you exactly how many days are left on your Apple product warranty, or on your AppleCare Protection Plan. To use it, fire up your favorite Web browser and go to Apple's support page. Enter your product serial number in the About Your Support Coverage field, and click Go. Apple checks its database, and tells you exactly how many days are left on your warranty or AppleCare plan.

Enter your Apple serial number here to check your warranty status.

The service works with any Apple product you have registered, including the PowerMac G5, iMac, PowerBook, iBook, iPod, and Apple accessories and displays.

If you aren't sure what your Mac's serial number is, choose About This Mac from the Apple menu. Now click on the version number just above the Software Update button to see the Mac OS X build number you currently have installed. Click one more time to show your Mac's serial number.

Click the Mac OS X version number to see the Tiger build number. Click once more to see your Mac's serial number.