TMO Quick Tip - Look Up Maps from Address Book

by Jeff Gamet, 7:30 AM EDT, August 7th, 2006

Address Book can hold all kinds of information about your friends, family, and business contacts. If you know where to look, it can even show you maps for a contact's address. Here's how:

Address Book can look up maps for you.

Address Book checks MapQuest when it looks up a location for you and displays the query results in your default Web browser.

Address Book displays maps in your Web browser.

If you prefer Google Maps instead, there's a free plug-in to help you out. Brian Toth's Google Maps plug-in queries Google Maps instead of MapQuest, looks up driving directions from Google, and even shows locations in Google Earth - assuming it's installed on your Mac.

Get Google Maps from Address Book.

This plug-in works just like the built-in map lookup feature. After it is installed, just click on an address heading to see the new Google-related options.

Displaying a Google Map from Address Book.

The Google Maps plug-in is free, but Mr. Toth will accept donations to help with development. If you find it useful, be sure to send a few dollars his way. You can download the plug-in here.

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