Amazon Selling 1 Million Kindles Per Week

The Kindle Fire was announced in September as a US$199 tablet based on a forked version of Android. The company built a custom interface with hooks into its digital music, movies and TV shows, and the title digital content, Kindle ebooks.

The 7” device offers limited features compared to Apple’s iPad 2, but it’s been a huge hit for Amazon and has proven to be the only other tablet besides the iPad 2 that anyone wants. For more information, check out TMO’s spec comparison between the Kindle Fire and the iPad 2.

While Amazon didn’t break out individual numbers for each Kindle device, the company did say that the, “Kindle Fire remains the #1 bestselling, most gifted, and most wished for product across the millions of items available on since its introduction 11 weeks ago.”

The company also said that demand for the product has accelerated week over week for each of the last three weeks, and that the company has sold “millions of units.”

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