Apple surprised developers on Thursday with the release of iOS 7 Seed 6, the newest developer beta release. Apple has been making brisk progress with the iOS 7 developer seeds, and Seed 6 specifies that it, "addresses an issue with iTunes in the Cloud."
From the release notes:
This update addresses an issue with iTunes in the Cloud, where some purchases may download or play unexpected items. If you have any devices running previous versions of iOS 7 beta, you should:
- Install iOS 7 beta 6.
- Install the ResetMusicAndVideosLibraries configuration profile from the iOS Dev Center.
- From Settings > Music, tap the Reset Media Library button.
- Restart the device.
The release appears focused on this bug fix. A poster on reddit (full thread) noted that the build number for this release is essentially the same as iOS 7 Seed 5—11A4449d for Seed 6, as opposed to 11A4449a for Seed 5.
For context, iOS 7 Seed 4 had a build number of 11a4435d, while Seed 3 had a build number of 11A4414e.
Accordingly, we aren't expecting any major differences in this release aside from the above-mentioned bug fix. If you see anything new, however, please send me a note and I'll add it to this story.
That said, this suggests that Apple is getting closer to GM release. Apple is expected to host a media event announcing new iPhones and iOS 7 on September 10th, a little less than a month away.