Changing the Lightbulb in System Preferences

Energy Saver then (left), and now (right)

Sure, the Preference Pane icon change could simply be cosmetic, but it could also be a subtle message about the company’s stance on environmental issues — and it appears only on Apple’s glossy display laptops.

Compact florescent lights are seen by many as an environmentally better alternative to traditional incandescent bulbs because they use less electricity to produce the same amount of light. Maybe Apple is using the symbol as a little reminder that it is working to make its products “greener” and more environmentally friendly.

Apple has also been claiming “green” bragging rights over the components used in its laptops such as unibody construction for less production waste, fewer potentially hazardous chemicals, and smaller product packaging.

Those are all features worth touting, and maybe that little compact florescent icon is another part of Apple’s self promotion scheme. Or maybe it’s just a cool icon.


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