How to Find a Retina iPad mini Near You

Apple's brand new Retina Display iPad mini is starting to trickle into stores, which is great since that means there's a chance you'll be able to get your hands on one soon. Since availability is so limited, however, finding out if any are available near you is important, and it turns out there's an online resource that can help.

The iPad mini tracker shows which Apple Stores have available inventoryThe iPad mini tracker shows which Apple Stores have available inventory

To see if any Apple Stores near you have the new Retina iPad mini in stock, just head over to the online iPad mini inventory tracker and choose the color you want, along with WiFi or WiFi plus LTE, and then enter the Zip code for your area. You'll get back a chart that shows which capacities are available at the stores near you, plus several other locations, too.

The Mac Observer's checks showed you'll have much better luck finding the new Retina model if you live on the coasts, and LTE models are especially scarce in the middle of the country.

Apple quietly released the Retina Display iPad mini on Tuesday, and we can see why. With limited inventory available, Apple doesn't want to deal with long lines filled with disappointed shoppers.

There will still be some disappointed shoppers, but thanks to the iPad mini inventory tracker, the savvy shoppers will know which stores to target first.

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