SAN FRANCISCO - The folks at FLIR are showing off the FLIR One, the first thermal imaging camera for iPhone. We covered it back in January when they announced it, but this is the first time we've seen it in use. This device takes the form of a case with the thermal imaging camera built inside. It also has its own battery, so it's not using your iPhone's battery to operate. It can take up to two hours of video, which get saved to the companion app in your iPhone. It will also take still s. If you want to find leaks in your house, the animal rustling in the bushes, or the ghost hiding in your basement, the FLIR One brings thermal imaging into the financial reach of mortals at $349. It's expected to ship in May, and you can reserve one now. I love this thing. Oh, and check out Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus. He's hot.
Check It Out: FLIR Shows FLIR One Thermal Imaging Camera for iPhone