Alf Watt, developer of iStumbler and also formerly of Apple's Wi-Fi group, joins John and Dave today to answer all of your (and their!) Wi-Fi concerns. Join these three geeks to absorb all the Wi-Fi knowledge you can. Download, press play and enjoy!
Audio Player
Note: Shownotes are complete.
Stuff mentioned:
- Alf Watt on Twitter (1:21)
- iStumbler (2:03)
- The Fruit Company (2:26)
- Ruckus Wireless (2:33)
- Alf Watt Interviewed at WWDC 2013 (3:30)
- Bluetooth LE (5:20)
- (The Wi-Fire is no longer available and the links are blocked)
- BearExtender Turbo (9:27)
- Introduction to I/O Kit Fundamentals (10:10)
- iStumbler Bug/Feature reporter/requester
- Buffalo Dual-Core, 802.11ac, DD-WRT router
- MoCA
- 60 GHz WirelessHD
- Cognitive Radio Technologies
- Dipole Antenna
- Planar Array
- NetSpot (40:26)
- Chapter 4. Beamforming in 802.11ac
- Slau
- Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
- Boosting wifi signal
- Control Plane
- Apple Invents Intelligent Location-Based Security for Home & CarPlay
- Estimating the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow
- Dynamic Frequency Selection Part 3: The Channel Dilemma
- NetUse Traffic Monitor
- Eye P.A.
- The Mac Geek Gab iPhone app
- IEEE 802.11d-2001 (Additional Regulatory Domains)
- iStumbler on Facebook
- 4 Wi-Fi Tips from Former Apple Wi-Fi Engineer
- You're downloading today's show from CacheFly's network
- BackBeat Media Podcast Network
- MacGeekGab AAC Enhanced Feed - Thanks to Michael Johnston of The iOS Show and Applr.