Report Says iPhone 7 May be Called iPhone 6SE

Since this fall’s iPhone is expected to stick with the same body design as the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s a new report claims instead of iPhone 7 Apple will call the new model iPhone 6SE. The source for the next iPhone’s name comes from supply sources in China, and doesn’t seem like a good fit considering Apple already sells an iPhone SE.

iPhone 7 Reportedly Launching on Sept 16

Apple’s still unannounced iPhone 7 will reportedly be announced a little earlier than usual this year and hit store shelves on Friday, September 16th. Word of the release date comes via Venture Beat’s Evan Blass, who has a track record for predicting Android smartphone rollouts.

Apple Has Olympic Limited Edition Apple Watch Bands in Brazil, But We Found Alternatives

Apple is offering limited edition Apple Watch bands for the Olympics, but you can only get them at the Apple Store VillageMall in Barra da Tijuca. That’s in Brazil. GQ reported that Apple has Apple Watch bands commemorating 14 “major competitor” countries. But if you can’t go to Brazil, we did some digging and found a couple of alternatives at Amazon and AliExpress.

Apple to Announce Earnings July 26th

Apple announced Friday that it will hold its quarterly call with analysts on Tuesday, July 26th. Investors will be keenly watching results and guidance looking for signs in renewed growth for Apple. In the March quarter, Apple reported year-over-year declines in revenue and iPhone sales.

Urge Basics 4-Port USB-C Car Charger: $19.99

If you share your car with other people, you’ll want to check out today’s deal for the Urge Basics 4-Port USB-C Car Charger. It plugs into your car’s AC outlet (or cigarette lighter), and features two 2.4A USB ports, one 3A USB port, and one USB-C port. You can get it through us for $19.99.

New Security Threat Targets OS X, iOS through Graphics

There’s a new security threat for OS X and iOS that could let attackers remotely control your device or install malware by sending you an image file. The threat is fairly serious, although so far it’s still just a proof of concept, and Apple patched the flaw in OS X 10.11.6 and iOS 9.3.3.

No, Apple didn't Buy Music Provider Omnifone

Earlier this month a report said online music provider Omnifone was being purchased by an unnamed U.S. company for US$10 million. Now a new report is out saying that company was Apple, but it’s very likely that’s not really the case.

Screens 3 for Mac VNC: $12.99

Check out Screens 3, a virtual network client (VNC) that allows you to login to and control a Mac, Windows or Linux box from your Mac. There’s some of that built into OS X, but Screens 3 adds support for Windows and Linux devices. It also allows you to set up an action that triggers each time you disconnect (for instance, “Log Out Your User,” etc.). There are other features you might find useful, too, so check out the deal listing for more info. You can get Screens 3 for Mac through our deal for $12.99.

WebP Comes to iOS 10, macOS Sierra Betas: What You Need to Know

Apple added support for Google’s WebP image format to Safari in the beta versions of iOS 10 and macOS Sierra, which could make websites load faster. “Could,” in this case, assumes Apple keeps WebP support in the shipping versions of its operating systems, and Web developers adopt the format for their site images.

How to Apply for Twitter Account Verification

Previously only available by private invitation, Twitter now allows users to apply for account verification. Note that you still need to be noteworthy or otherwise provide a compelling reason for Twitter to approve your verification, but at least now you can ask instead of having to sniff around at cocktail parties and coffee shops for someone who knows someone. To get verified your account must first be in proper shape. Read along and we’ll help get you there.

iOS: Fixing Color Casts on Pictures

If you’ve never played around with the photo-editing tools available on your iPad or iPhone, you really should check them out! Today’s Quick Tip is about one of the easiest to use. We’ll talk about how you can adjust for unwanted color cast in your images, so you can make ’em cooler and warmer as needed!

Apple Music Users: How to Disable iTunes Match Subscription Auto-renew

Apple is taking some of the confusion out of its subscription services by bringing iTunes Match’s song matching system to Apple Music. That means Apple Music users will have get a much better matching algorithm, they get DRM-free versions of matched songs, and they don’t need their iTunes Match subscriptions any more. If that sounds like a winning combo to you, it’s time to disable auto-renew for your iTunes Match account. Read on to learn how.

TigerVPN Lite 3-Year Subscription: $19

We have a deal for you today on a three year subscription TigerVPN Lite. The “Lite” part means you get access to 15 nodes, a subset of the full service, which offers 62 nodes. But that also means you get three years on the cheap, just $19. It works on Mac, iOS, Android, and Windows. Check out the details on deal listing.

Iran Ready to Ban and Confiscate iPhones

The Iranian government has given Apple an ultimatum: register with the country’s anti-smuggling office now, or all iPhones will be banned and confiscated. The demand comes as part of Iran’s plans to create a database of every cell phone in the country under the guise of blocking smuggling.

Apple Watch: Using Notification Privacy

This Quick Tip is on a nifty feature of the Apple Watch, one that’ll prevent a wrist raise from showing off any recent notifications you’ve gotten. You might spend all day texting with your friends, but no one else needs to know what those conversations are about, do they?

New Star Trek Series Coming to Netflix Streaming, but not in the US

Netflix announced a deal with CBS Studios International on Monday to stream the new Star Trek television series in countries around the world. Episodes will air within 24 hours of their showing after the show launches in 21017, except in the United States where viewers will still need a CBS All Access account. You didn’t misread that: the new Star Trek series won’t be available on Netflix Streaming in the U.S.

Swift and iOS Beginner eBook Bundle: $59.99

We have a deal for you today on a two-ebook bundle for people who want to learn how to make apps for iOS. The first is called Swift Apprentice, and it’s designed to teach you how to get started with playgrounds and be able to practice while you learn core Swift 2 language concepts. The second, iOS Apprentice, is a ground up tutorials on how to build iOS apps that walks you through building four apps. You’ll also work with Xcode, Interface Builder, Swift 2, and more. You can get both ebooks for $59.99 through our deal.

Apple Customers Seeking 'iPhone Stress Relief'

Despite the evolution of the iPhone, with its ever increasing sophistication, the replacement rate by customers is systematically stretching out. Why is this happening? It’s likely based more on economics, technical maturity and customer stress analysis than a waning appetite for technology. A research chart shows the reality.

Apple Snubs Samsung for iPhone 7 and 8 Processors

Apple reportedly gave an exclusive manufacturing deal to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company for the A10 processor used in the upcoming iPhone 7. The deal means Samsung won’t get to cash in on the next iPhone model, and sources say TSMC already scored an exclusive deal for the A11 processor in 2017’s iPhone lineup.

SoftBank to Buy Apple Chip Designer ARM

Apple chip designer ARM Holdings is about to get bought by Japan’s SoftBank in a £24.3 billion (about US$32.16 billion) deal. SoftBank plans to keep ARM in the UK while using the deal to make itself the preeminent mobile chip designer and cash in on the growing “internet of things” product market.