Apple Expands Mystery Projects into Former Pepsi Plant

Apple leases former Pepsi plant for unnamed projects The lease started in November, 2015, and was discovered by Silicon Valley Business Journal only a few days ago. The facility, located at 960 Kifer Road, covers 96,000 square feet and has been vacant since 2013. Apple is also leasing 80,257 square feet at 1150 through 1170…

5 Interesting Points from Judiciary Committee Encryption Hearing

FBI Director Comey testifying at House Judiciary Committee hearing on encryption Today's hearing was spurred by the debate over the legality of an FBI obtained court order requiring Apple to create a password hackable version of the iPhone's operating system. The FBI wants the tool so it can find the passcode on an iPhone related…

Shareholders Back Apple CEO Tim Cook in Fight against FBI Overreach

There were some individual shareholders who certainly think Apple is wrong, including one unnamed attendee who told The LA Times, “I do think they should unlock it. For something as serious as this, there should be a way to do it.” Security and encryption experts, however, have long understood that this is a situation where…

FBI Director Comey Admits Apple Case Could Set Precedent

FBI Director James Comey The FBI asked a federal court to compel Apple to create a new version of iOS that could be sideloaded onto an iPhone used by Sayed Farook, one of two terrorists who murdered 14 people in an attack in San Bernardino, CA, in December of 2015. The court agreed, but Apple…

Silicon Valley Throws its Weight Behind Apple in FBI Privacy Fight

Silicon Valley companies to file amicus brief supporting Apple in privacy fight According to sources speaking with the Wall Street Journal, the companies will file a joint brief with the court next week. Microsoft's Chief Legal Officer Brad Smith confirmed today his company would be supporting Apple in its brief. Twitter is planning on submitting…

Reuters Poll Finds More People Support Apple in Fight Against FBI

Reuters/Ipsos Poll First off, let's look at the Reuters/Ipsos survey results, which shows that 46 percent of people agreed with Apple's decision to fight the court order. 35 percent disagreed. The poll broke down results by political affiliation, just 37 percent of Republicans agreeing with Apple, while 45 percent disagreed. For those identifying as Democrats,…

Satechi Presenter Combines Laser Pointer With Slide Controller

The just released Satechi Aluminum Wireless Presenter is a beautifully designed red LED laser pointer combined with slide navigation buttons, all wrapped in Bluetooth and a rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery. It's available in the matching Apple colors of Silver, Space Gray or Gold. Satechi  Aluminum Wireless Presenter The Laser This is red LED laser with a…

OS X: Rebuilding Mailboxes (And Why You Might Want To)

If you pick any mailbox from the sidebar and then choose that, Mail will attempt to, well, rebuild the mailbox, which can help with all sorts of display problems and emails that seem to be missing. Note that if the mailbox in question has a ton of messages, this process can take a while. You…

DOJ wants to Force Apple to Comply with iPhone Hacking Order

DOJ to court: Make Apple comply with iPhone unlocking order DOJ prosecutors said Apple is resisting to help in a Federal investigation despite the fact that the company has until February 26 to respond to the court order. According to ABC News, the new filing stated, Rather than assist the effort to fully investigate a…

Apple Apologizes For Error 53 and Offers Update to iOS

_______________________ On February 18, Apple issued an update to iOS 9.2.1 (ver 13D20), provided an explanation and also an apology as reported by TechCrunch. Some customers’ devices are showing ‘Connect to iTunes’ after attempting an iOS update or a restore from iTunes on a Mac or PC. This reports as an Error 53 in iTunes…

A Tale of Two Universal Remotes: Harmony vs. Blumoo

Episode #163   It’s been a couple of years since I talked about universal remote control devices and apps. For me, an awesome universal remote control is the holy grail of home automation; having a single device that can mimic every function of all five individual remote controls for my home theatre system is priceless.…

Why You Can Use Modern SSDs for Apple Time Machine Backups

This is still a very good idea (for me), but in the process of writing the article, I glossed over some technical considerations that come into play. You should know about them. Here they are. 1. Supplier affirmation. I asked Other World Computing, the maker of the Envoy Pro EX that I already use, about…

OS X El Capitan: How to Optimize the Cursor Size and Shakability

________________________ One of the most overlooked System Preferences in OS X is, in my book, Accessibility. It sits out there in the nether regions beyond Time Machine and looks like something only people with certain handicaps would be interested in. Even its icon could be off-putting. Easy to overlook or dismiss. However, the Accessibility preferences…

iOS 9: Using "Paste and Search" in Safari

…and then press and hold there for a moment to get a new menu to pop up. See that “Paste and Search” option? Tap that, and your copied text will become your new Web search, lickety-split. If what you copied was a URL, though, the command will read “Paste and Go” instead.  As you can…