And The Beat Goes On

Reviews will follow as they always do, but there are some that I think are worthy of a web site visit, so a quick discussion of each.

NAVIGON 1.5.0 Software
I have covered NAVIGON before and anyone who knows me personally knows that I think this is the greatest iPhone app going because it keeps me from getting lost. You can read my review for more of my thoughts on NAVIGON.

NAVIGON has introduced three updated features to its GPS system for the iPhone. The first is an in-app connection to Facebook and Twitter, the second is Panorama View 3D with 3D terrain views powered by NASA data, and the third is personalized route delivery via NAVIGON MyRoutes, an intelligent direction provider. The connection to Facebook and Twitter allows a user to broadcast current position, destination and ETA without navigation interruption.

The Panorama View 3D uses digitized cartography that delivers an accurate depiction of environment and landscapes using NASA’s height and terrain data, independent from the phone’s data connection. My Routes analyzes individual driving data and designs customized routes, giving up to 3 choices with distance and ETA displayed in-map for each.

NAVIGON is offering special pricing until February 15. Check their Web site for more information.

YAPPER stands for Your APP makER. The company has been in business for two months and the owners were almost overwhelmed with the interest they were getting at the show.

They create an iPhone app for you or your business and get it through the Apple approval process and posted to the App store. It seems incredibly easy to do and you use your own company or organization logo. The regular price is US$499, but the show price is $99. I will be reviewing this product in full very soon, but if you want to check it out now at their Web site.

Power Outlet: U-Socket, Dual Socket/Dual USB 110V
This product won’t be released until the second quarter of 2010, but can be pre-ordered at the Fast Mac Web site now at the introductory price of $19.95.


Simply put, once installed you have two USB sockets added to your normal electric sockets. The company representative assured me it was very simple to do and that I could do it following the easy instructions and the on-line video. I said “uh-huh” out loud, and “That’s why God gave me children” to myself, and ordered three.

These are today’s recommendations for us regular folks.

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