TMO Opens 2010 Editors Choice Awards Submissions

Award winners will receive notification during the expo, and will also be highlighted in our Editors Choice Awards round up. Our 2009 Award winners included products from Cultured Code, FileMaker, SmileOnMyMac, Google, Roxio, Softpress, The Omni Group, HP, and Ambrosia Software.

“I am so pleased with how well our TMO 2009 Editors Choice awards were received and we’re very excited about 2010,” said TMO President and Mac Geek Gab co-host Dave Hamilton. “I look forward to working with the staff to evaluate all these great products at Macworld Expo and share them with all of our readers and listeners.”

Exhibitors interested in including their product in the running for a possible Editors Choice Award need to make their submission by February 5, 2010. TMO will honor confidentiality agreements for products that won’t be announced prior to Macworld Expo 2010.

Product submissions need to be directed to [email protected].

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