70,000 People Expected For Apple Expo Paris


acworld UK is reporting that the organization in charge of this monthis Apple Expo expects some 70,000 people to attend the event in Paris. Apple Expo begins on Tuesday, August 31st, with a keynote from Phil Schiller. The Paris show is the largest Mac trade show in the world outside of Macworld San Francisco, depending on how one interprets attendance figures.

Macworld UKis article also talks about some other aspects of the show:

Reed say this yearis show will focus on the corporate world and its major growth sectors: mobility, nomad IT solutions and ISPs. The show will also feature distinct display areas for professionals and the general public, in these Solution Centres specific information regarding design, education, games, music, SMEs/SMIs and healthcare will be targeted to the visitors needs.

The full article has more information about the show, including some of the conferences and sessions.

The Mac Observer will be on hand for the event, which is expected to be the venue for Appleis iMac G5 debut.

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