A First Reaction to Firefox 29's Visual Makeover – With Video

This is not a formal review. It's not even a quick look review. Rather, it's my first-blush reaction to Firefox 29.

My readers know that I have been a big fan of Mozilla's Firefox for a long time. The reason is so eloquently and perfectly summarized by Jack Schofield at ZDNet that I won't even try to rephrase it.

The main reason for switching to Firefox is that, overall, it's better than Chrome. But there are other reasons. The most important is that Firefox is the only major browser that is written to serve users and the open web. Other leading browsers may sometimes do that, but their primary function is to serve the needs of giant corporations — Apple, Google and Microsoft — none of which has any interest in preserving your privacy. Usually the reverse, in fact.

The next most important thing is the introductory video from Mozilla VP of Firefox Johnathan Nightingale. In less than two minutes of video, Mr. Nightingale reveals the important visual changes to version 29.

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