AAPL Takes Roller Coaster Ride on Jobs Heart Attack Rumor

The original report appeared on the CNN Web site, but was later removed. The information was released as a CNN iReport that said in part “Steve Jobs was rushed to the ER just a few hours ago after suffering a major heart attack. I have an insider who tells me that paramedics were called after Steve claimed to be suffering from severe chest pains and shortness of breath.”

Apple vice president of Worldwide Communications, Katie Cotton, replied to the report by stating “It is not true.”

After opening at US$106.50 Friday morning, the Mac and iPod makeris stock dropped down to $94.65. Appleis stock began its rebound after Ms. Cottonis statement, but still has not returned to the level it was at before the morning drop.

Questions have already begun surfacing about who started the rumor and whether or not it could lead to a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation. Many people are already wondering if the rumor was started as a deliberate move to drive the companyis stock down, and a false report that Appleis dynamic leader had a heart attack appears to be just the thing to send the stock plummeting.

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