Apple, Adobe Hit Company with Software Piracy Suit

Apple doesn’t take kindly to software piracy

According to the lawsuit, the company didn’t even attempt to make the software it was selling appear legit. “Notably, some or all of the infringing copies distributed by Defendant were in the form of burned (i.e., ‘homemade’) DVD+R and CD-R media, with the titles handwritten in marker,” the filing stated.

The company’s Web site offers a long list of software titles for sale, such as Mac OS X, the iLife and iWork suites, Final Cut, the Adobe Creative Suite, Disk Warrior, Quicken and Sibelius.

The lawsuit claimed, “Defendant also operates as Ultimate PC Repairs through his own web page located at (the ‘Ultimate PC Website’), where he offers over eighty (80) software titles for sale.”

The lawsuit against Mr. Dollisme was filed in U.S. District Court in Connecticut. The companies participating in the filing are asking for an injunction to block the pirated software sales, along with damages for copyright infringement.

[Thanks to AppleInsider for the heads up.]

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