Apple Cancels CQF, Replaces It With Apple Software Seeding Program

Just got the e-mail a little bit ago. Apple has officially closed the CQF program. Here is the main snippet:

"Apple thanks you for your loyalty and participation in the Customer Quality Feedback Program (CQF). CQF was a part of Appleis Hardware Engineering Division. Recently, Apple has decided to permanently discontinue the CQF Program and transfer software seeding responsibilities to the Software Engineering Divisionis Customer Software Seeding Team. As with all business decisions, this change is a result of making choices that will result in growth and opportunity at Apple. Please accept our gratitude for everything you have provided to Apple via the CQF Program. The following information is about Apple Customer Software Seeding, a program you may wish to join."

The rest of the e-mail goes on to try and recruit to the Apple Software Seeding program. They just tell you how great it would be if you joined the program and whatnot.

Thanks for the note!

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