Apple CEO Reaches Out to Japan Employees in Email

The email, according to Mac Rumors, states:

To Our Team in Japan,

We have all been following the unfolding disaster in Japan. Our hearts go out to you and your families, as well as all of your countrymen who have been touched by this tragedy.

If you need time or resources to visit or care for your families, please see HR and we will help you. If you are aware of any supplies that are needed, please also tell HR and we will do what we can to arrange delivery.

Again, our hearts go out to you during this unimaginable crisis.

Please stay safe.

Steve and the entire Executive Team

While the iPad 2 was going on sale in the United States on March 11, Japan was dealing with a 9.0 magnitude earthquake that struck 231 miles outside of Tokyo, along with a tsunami that destroyed coastal communities. The country is also dealing with a nuclear reactor that was damaged during the quake.

Following the earthquake, Apple kept its five local stores open to provide shelter for stranded employees, and to ensure the public had free Wi-Fi and Internet access for communicating with friends and family around the world. Apple also set up a special iTunes Store page where customers can donate to the Red Cross efforts to help in the aftermath of Japan’s disasters.

Google is doing its part to help, too, with its Person Finder service that’s helping locate people that went missing during the earthquake and tsunami.

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