Apple Has Dropped the Ball with WWDC Preparations


WWDCCopyright 2010 John Martellaro


2. Keynote. We still don’t know if Steve Jobs will conduct the keynote — nothing has been announced. That means press passes are in limbo until keynote plans are official. An e-mail from Developer Programs shows Sunday, June 6, registration from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, but Monday registration starting at 7:00 am, so that suggests a keynote on Monday morning, June 7. So far, that’s the only indication Apple has provided two weeks and two days out.

3. WWDC Daily schedule. So far, Apple has listed the names and content of the sessions, but not the detailed daily schedule. That makes it very hard to plan ahead for side events such as meetings, interviews and so on. It would be nice to have the iCal file by now.

4. Professionalism. On May 20, Apple Developer Programs sent an e-mail asking for any required changes to our badges. That was nice. Yet the Subject line was: “WWDC badge and registration infromation.” Yep. Infromation. In all the time I’ve been involved with Apple, I’ve never seen a misspelling in any public communication*. It makes one wonder what’s going on behind the scenes in an event that seems hastily prepared and tardy in its organization this year.

Those are the facts. The appearance is that Apple staff members are stressed, overworked, and under resourced — combined with foot dragging from upper management. The result is a feeling that Apple has been callous in its pre-event organization of WWDC this year.


* Of course, the same cannot be said for me.

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