Apple Loses Appeal in Italy Over AppleCare Practices

Italy had fined Apple €900,000 (US$1,180,000) in December for deceptive practices when they sold consumers AppleCare that took effect after only one year. This extended coverage overlapped the existing EU coverage and Apple didn’t make that clear to consumers.

Recently, Apple has come under fire in additional European Union countries where two-year warranties are also required by law.


In addition to paying the fine, Apple must add information to its AppleCare packages about the existing two year coverage. It had already added that information to its online descriptions.

AppleCare can be purchased for Macs, iPhones, iPods, and iPads and includes phone and in-store support as well as accidental damage coverage under the AppleCare+ option. The price for the coverage depends on the price of the device.

Apple has one more opportunity to appeal, but there has been no indication at this time that they will do so.

Thanks to AppleInsider for the heads up on the article.

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