Apple Releases DVD Studio Pro 4.0.2


a href=””>Apple Computer has released DVD Studio Pro 4.0.2, an update to the DVD creation tool that fixes a number of stability issues.

The update “addresses isolated stability issues”, the company said, such as improvements of the font size in PAL templates, menu duplication when Text Objects are active, simulation of long PAL MPEG2 stream with MP3 audio, and an issue in recognizing certain media.

The 6.1 megabyte (MB) update is available via the Web address linked at above, or through the Software Update tool.

The update requires Mac OS X v10.3.9 or later, and QuickTime 7.0 or later. DVD Studio Pro 4 requires a G4/733 megahertz or faster Mac, 8MB of virtual memory, 512MB of standard memory and an AGP Quartz Extreme-compatible graphics card.

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