Apple Takes Another Crack at Georgetown Store

So far, Apple’s building proposals have been shot down by the board three different times because the group didn’t think the designs fit in with the historical look of the area. The latest design, however, may have a better chance for approval because it has already been seen by the Georgetown Advisory Neighborhood Commission, and the group was pleased with the renderings according to the Washington Post.

The new renderings also bear a striking resemblance to the very first building design Apple proposed. The only apparent different is that the first proposal included five second story windows, but the new proposal includes only four.

Georgetown Mayor Adrian Fenty has also offered to give Apple advice on dealing with the board in an effort to keep Apple from giving up and choosing a location in a different area. Local business owners have been counting on the extra traffic an Apple Store would bring as a boost for their own businesses.

Neil Albert, the deputy mayor for planning and economic development, commented “I don’t want the Old Georgetown Board having to have the perfect design torpedo a very good product. If Apple is held up again we will step in and work with both parties to make sure it gets passed.”

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