Apple Encourages People to 'Start Something New' that's Creative

“Every piece in this gallery was created on an Apple product,” Apple said on the site. “Every brushstroke, every pixel, and every frame of film was brought to life by talented Apple users from around the world. As you explore their work, we hope it inspires you to create something new.”

Examples include:

  • iPhone 6 Plus + Panorama with photographer Austin Mann
  • iPad Air 2 + Brushes 3 with artist Nomoco
  • iPhone 6 Plus + Slow Shutter! with photographer Marcelo Gomes
  • iMac + iDraw with artist Jingyao Guo
  • iPhone 6 + VSCO Cam with artist Christian Weber
  • iPad Air 2 + Waterlogue with artists Craig & Karl
  • iPhone 6 + iMovie with Matt Pyke
  • iPad Air 2 + Procreate with Rozz Hall
  • iPhone 6 + VSCO Cam with Jared Chambers
  • iMac + Final Cut Pro with filmmaker Thayer Allyson Gowdy
  • iPhone 6 + Exposure Control with Alistair Taylor-Young
  • iPad Air 2 + Burst Mode with Chad Riley
  • iPhone 6 + HDR with adventurer Jimmy Chin

That's quite a lot of content, and it's all very interesting. Each includes either a slide show of examples or a movie. For instance, the description for the Matt Pyke film noted:

Matt Pyke is always finding new ways to innovate with video. In this piece, he uses the movement of real objects to create a sense of digital animation. To do this, Pyke placed his iPhone 6 on the ground, pressed record, then tossed several items into the frame, sometimes even leaping over the phone himself. He then edited the footage on the spot, using the iMovie app to calibrate, balance color, and finalize the film.

Here's a screen from that movie:

Start Something New

Apple first launched “Start Something New” on its Japan site earlier this week.

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