CES Count the Tablets 30-33: Android & Windows

Let’s start with those two, from a company called Jumper. They’re both 10.1” devices with similar specs but slightly different form factors. Both run Windows XP and Windows 7, but the second one below can also run Android-X86, a third party porting effort for Android OS. The company wouldn’t discuss pricing or availability with The Mac Observer, and neither device was turned on for us to see.

The device below is pictured with a keyboard. This is an optional accessory that is built into its own case for the tablet.

Jumper Windows Tablet Jumper Windows Tablet

  • 10.1” Display
  • Intel Atom N455 Processor (clock speed not specified)
  • Windows XP/Windows 7
  • 1GB or 2GB of DDR3 RAM
  • 16GB or 32GB Hard Drive
  • 802.11b/g/n
  • Bluetooth is optional
  • Camera (unspecified features)
  • Micrphone-in port
  • Headphone port
  • USB port
Jumper Windows & Android Tablet Jumper Windows Tablet

  • 10.1” Display
  • Intel Atom N455 Processor (clock speed not specified)
  • Windows XP/Windows 7/Android-X86
  • 1GB or 2GB of DDR3 RAM
  • 16GB or 32GB Hard Drive
  • 802.11b/g/n
  • Bluetooth is optional
  • Camera (unspecified features)
  • Micrphone-in port
  • Headphone port
  • USB port

The two devices below are aimed at the highly portable market by Shenzhen Neostra. The device on the left is approximately the size of an iPod touch, while the white device on the right is 5.5”. Both tablets run Android 2.1, though it could be Android 2.2. We don’t know for sure, because no one at the booth would clarify for us, or tell us anything else about them.

Also, they weren’t turned on, and they were wrapped in plastic.

Shenzhen Neostra Tablet Shenzhen Neostra Tablet

Stay tuned for many, many more tablets direct from CES.

Jeff Gamet contributed to this article.

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